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Location: Kolan, Croatia

ZenMasterMiki living koans.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Mountains near Athens 2: Penteli

After Parnitha, we decided - with help of our French neighbour - to visit Penteli mountain, just north from our home.
Previously we drove over it at night, returning from the Marathon beach, few weeks ago, and view to Athens below was magnificent. It showed to be so also during the day.
The mountain itself is not rocky-until 1995 it was under forest, then it burnt completely. Now it is spacious hill with the magnificent views to Athens and surrounding. "Thanks" to the (stupid) Greek law, which protects forest and not specific area, after there was not forest any more, they started to urbanize the mountain, and the city is seriously approaching it.

Kids had fun.


Me and the City

Driving down, we could not resist not to try to catch a distant, but sunset lighted Parnas, some 100km north-west.

Middle of January, and almond tree in our neighbour's garden already finished flowering...beautiful tree, I love it for such early flowering, also in Pag it was gift from Heavens in the end of winter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

here our almond trees have been picked clean in the last few weeks. mostly it's the work of our rosellas and a couple of white parrots with pink plumes. the rosellas come in flocks of almost a dozen. they are half the size of a parrot, a bright lime green, with aspects of orange and blue - coloured by the milk of the almonds no doubt. they make a racket as they feed.
pavel d'downunder

2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here the almond trees are also full of flowers, the same with plumes. Now we are waiting for the sakuras...

4:35 AM  

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