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Location: Kolan, Croatia

ZenMasterMiki living koans.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

End of The Year

If this is to be winter, I like it. My problem in the countries of North was usually lack of light and colors (Zagreb, Warsaw, Potsdam) during too long winter. Here in Athens, anything like that! Winter in Kolan, on our island, was also nice, especially I started to like the wind bura there, for its cleaning of sky and the mind. But here in Athens, sky is BLUE, sun heats at once, e.g now it's 25.12., it is 1PM and sun outside made it up to 13 cels in shadow!

Last weekend we went to Pireus, Athens harbour, to see the street market there. The city-as it is different town, now joined with Athens-is interesting Levantine place, it deserves much more attention, reminded me to some streets of Palermo or so. But the market-just nearby the metro station is a-w-f-u-l. Turkish bazaar in Central Anadolia (tried!) is excellent place, compared to this mix of Africa and MidEast. Rambo Amadeus, Bosnian singer, could come and sing : "I am Balkan boy and my smell is sweat", it would match the place well.

I did not make any pic of it, so disgusted I was, here is only one fast pic of harbour, I will do some more effort with Pireus during winter/spring, be sure!

Non-market street was more interesting, with old small shops, I think there'll be more pics as this (OK, sharper, also!) when I 'attack' Pireus myself next times (now I was with Inka and Roko to take care about, in the crowdy, hectic streets).

Going back to Athens, we went to see flea market, it was mostly Gipsy people selling there, with the things just spreaded on the ground around them; funny (but not delightful) sight

Things as usual, but what attracted our attention were old photographs and pictures, we decided our house badly needs some Greek "ancestors", so we found this nice couple and now they are our official "ancestors" in the wall :-). House is not a Greek house without the Ancestors! And sure, near the fireplace in the Salon ;-)

Walking the streets of Athens often presents such palimpsest (yes, our dear archeologic friends, just come to visit us :-) ):

Further towards Monastiraki, even in the cloudy day, Athens streets offer some colors-oranges are common street tree here:

Also, even when renovated, some houses here show they are rather old ones:

Sure, Acropolis is always magnificent view:

One thing I failed to provide until now: one pic during my coming to the workplace:

This is the Physics building in the Panestimiopolis, atop Zografos, below the Immitos mountain. My office is in the top of the building, under the right wall of the square "box", in the right from the telescope dome.


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