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Location: Kolan, Croatia

ZenMasterMiki living koans.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


New posting place, but Miki is the same-well, here I became Mikic (read MikiS), as appropriate. I will try to maintain the attitude from mikidtaiwan, where blog was effective pictorial addition to emails for my friends/family around the world.

We arriwed to Athens-this time whole bunch-week ago, evening 4th of October 2005 (for my memory, not to lose the account). Final part of the line was Kolan-Zadar-Ancona-Patras-Athens, and Ania had month earlier Warsaw-Kolan, and week earlier I had Taipei-Amsterdam-Zagreb-Kolan. Sounds as an interesting family reunion, and I can assure you, it was :-).

Here is Miki in front of the House, short occasion to make the pic, between Taiwan and Greece I was here only few days.

As appropriate, Don Kreso, our Kolan priest, was one to say us farewell from Zadar, where we boarded Big White Ship :-). Here we have Zadar at night, behind Inka and me in violet light in rear of the ship:

Crossing the Adriatic to Ancona, in the silent autumn night was pleasant, even for the deck passengers, although some were bored before they managed to sleep:

Morning we landed in Ancona. We had some 7 hours to explore it a bit, and it is a nice city, here are some pics. It is unjust to see it only as a ferry stop.

Continuation to Patras was by the beauty 'Hellenic Spirit', where we 'luxuriously' took a cabin (it is 22hrs trip).
Here are ships in busy Ancona harbour.

We crossed the Adriatic from Croatia with the twin of the 1st plan one, and to Greece we boarded the rightmost one.
Here are some morning views of Ionian islands, starting from Corfu, and Albanian mountains (now it is clear where from comes the name Alba-nia).

Views are quite similar to the ones along the Croatian coast. Here we approach Corinth:

Famous Corinth bridge, I remember pictures of it from the books in the school:

200 km to Athens from Patras is a pleasant drive along Corinth, and, except of getting lost in Athens-what seems to be the usual state of matters here even for the Athenians-we had a pleasant landing in Greece.

One week of search for the apartment-really a good choice is here!-resulted in finding (BIG thanks to Ms. Tsinganos who found it for us!) a nice house in the Koritsas street.
It is in the (interior) renovation so we have to wait a little to move in (Monday 17th is the day). Thanks to the Astrophysics dpt. we can temporarily use the locum near the telescope atop the Physiscs building, where we have a magnificent view to the northern Athens (Acropolis is just hidden by the corner of the building on the left side)-this is also the view from my working room. You will agree it is breathtaking:


Finally I managed to achieve my dream: to live south of Pag during the year :-). It will be funny to go North for holidays :-).

For those who did not follow my Taiwan "blog": this is not a real blog, it is just pictorial addition to the emails for my friends and family around the world. If you are interested in more reflexive accounts, please feel free to contact me. Here I will not go philosophical-although, so close now to the Academia and the original Arcadia, who knows ;-).


Miki d'Hellas


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hej, a gdzie sa fotki? Jestesmy ciekawi!
Pozdrowienia serdeczne z Warszawy!

1:46 AM  
Blogger MeiyunnChung said...

It's really very nice to see the blue ocean picture. Especially during hard working day. *_^ !!

11:46 PM  
Blogger Ch!C said...

nice to hear from you here.
ur kids are so cute..hehe

say hello to ur family, too

7:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Podobalo mi sie wszystko. Ciesze sie ze jest wam ladnie. Jesli Bog da i za waszym pozwoleniem na wiosne to zobaczymy.

4:56 AM  

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